The Author

Glenn Harris is the author of The McCall / Malone Mysteries, featuring two Portland, Oregon, private detectives. He considers himself incredibly fortunate to live and write now in the middle of the beautiful Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area. Besides creating detective novels and short stories, he is active in community theater and takes numerous photographs for fun.
His former lives include college English teacher, private K-12 school director, graphic design business owner, weekly newspaper managing editor, corporate manager, and taekwondo instructor.
After a lifetime of news articles and editorials, public relations pieces, corporate position papers and other non-fiction expressions of the writer’s craft, he is thrilled to finally be embarked on writing and publishing The McCall / Malone Mysteries.
Social Media
Please be sure to Like Glenn Harris on Facebook and follow him on Twitter!
Press Kit
Members of the press are encouraged to use the following assets in preparing coverage of Glenn Harris and his works:
- Print-ready author photograph (color, 300dpi)
- Biographical one-sheet (Adobe Acrobat pdf file)
- Contact Glenn Harris via E-mail